Saturday, July 5, 2008

Just what I needed!

I was having a rough morning today, just dealing with different issues of "life"! I went to my Saturday ladies' life group and it was just what I needed. Juliette shared some thoughts and a verse that really spoke to me. I shared what is going on in my life and then the girls all sat around me and prayed for me. I could feel God wrapping His loving arms around me and comforting me. I am so thankful for His faithfulness and unconditional love. I am also extremely thankful for bringing amazing women into my life. Friendship is truly a gift and I see how God uses it to demonstrate His compassion. I drove away feeling humbled, refreshed and full of gratitude.

The rest of my day was pretty great! I took Austin swimming, and then he helped me wash the car. I let him spray the hose, use the sponge to clean the car and help wipe it dry. I have never had so much fun washing a car! It is incredible how he can make the most mundane chores become so enjoyable. I love to watch him discover things and see the look on his face that tells me he feels so proud that he is "helping" me!! ( I actually could have completed the car in about 1/3 of the time by myself - but, who cares!!) We played with Gavin and then visited Brad at work and brought him some dinner.

I just got Gavin all bathed and settled down for the night, so now I need to go finish some things around the house. A mother's job is never done, but at least I never get bored!!!


Juliette said...

Beckie- I am so happy that we were able to pray over you and pour out our/God's love on you on Saturday. I was so excited to see you there and your presence is truly missed when you can't make it. You have been in my thoughts and prayers nonstop since!

Btw- have you read Amy Sharps recent blog? She talked about Austin wanting to look at the fan. So cute!!!

Anna said...

Beckie you are amazing! I was so glad that you came on Saturday and thank you for sharing your heart. You are an amazing mother and a great friend. You are always an encouragement to me so I'm glad that we were able to pray for you and encourage you a little on Saturday. I know things can get rough but Matt and I are praying for you two and I know that God is going to use this period to do incredible things in the future! Love you!!! :)