Tuesday, July 8, 2008

3 months!

Well, Gavin is exactly 3 months old today! I can hardly believe that much time has gone by already.
Here are some of my favorite things about this age:

-he is starting to interact with me (smiling, cooing, giggling)
-he turns to look at me when I talk to him
-he is not spitting up as much!!!! (it is so nice for both of us to only wear 1 outfit a day instead of 3-4)
-my laundry load is smaller (due to the previous point!!)
-he is sleeping longer through the night
-we are settling into a routine and getting adjusted
-he can't run off and get hurt the second I turn my back (can you tell I also have a toddler in the house?)
-he just gets cuter every day!

Adding a second child to our family has definitely been a big adjustment in some ways and so natural in others. All day, I have found myself reliving the day he was born. I guess I still think, "Wow, I actually did that!!!" Giving birth is such an incredible miracle that I will never get over the fascination with it! It helps that I had a wonderful experience both times. Gavin started out smaller than Austin and we thought he would stay smaller, but we sure were wrong!! He has already doubled his birth weight in less than three months! Wow - I hope he doesn't keep growing at this rate - my back is already killing me! My mom loves to joke that my milk must be made out of cream!

I am going to attempt to go to bed early tonight! At least I will get A LOT more sleep tonight than I did 3 months ago! :)


Anna said...

That's great Beckie! He really has grown so much in just 3 months, I can't believe it's only been 3 months, it seems like so much longer. :)

Becky Moseley said...

I remember loving that stage, too. And it just keeps getting better from there!

Emily Branca said...

qBecky, your kids are so awesome. I had a blast hanging out with them last week. Thanks! You are Super Mom!