Friday, June 27, 2008

My Baking Buddy

I decided to make some banana bread this afternoon. Now, I enjoy baking and find it relaxing, but I never realized how exciting and fun it is until today. Austin, my 2-year -old, loves to help me with whatever I am doing. In fact, he offers his help by chanting, "I do it! I do it! I do it!" or he sweetly says "Help Mommy!" until I agree or distract him with something else. Of course he was curious when he saw me getting all the ingredients out and wanted to help, so I thought, why not? I pulled a chair up to the counter and began explaining what we were going to make and how to measure the ingredients. I let him do everything, with a little guidance and some extra stirring after he was finished. He was so thrilled and delighted about each little thing we did and would giggle and clap his hands through the whole process. He was so adorable that I didn't even care about the flour that ended up all over him, me, the counter and the floor! The amazing thing is that he actually was very careful and did a great job! I was quite impressed! I didn't want the fun to end, so I decided to make some chocolate chip cookies next. I wanted to continue watching my little helper in action! Now, I will just need to start making some more healthy options with him! Hey! Maybe I could get him to eat more vegetables if he helps me make them!! (Just thinking out loud!)

Anyway, Austin didn't just help me bake today... he helped me to rediscover the joy in the simple things. He helped me see how funny it is when you crack an egg. He gave me a new perspective. I love seeing life through the eyes of a 2-year-old!

Oh! I did remember to go grab the camera and got some pics of him helping me. Now, I just need Anna to come over and help me figure out how to put them on here! I'll get this stuff figured out someday!

This is Austin enjoying the fruits of his labor the next morning!


Candace said...

How stinken' fun! I love that I get to look forward to those moments. Austin is just one of the sweetest little guys.

Anna said...

I'll come over on Wed or Thurs to help you put those on. :)